Other Backward Classes
What is Other Backward Class (or OBC) ?
The OBCs in India are a group of castes officially recognized as being traditionally subject to exclusion, while still having a higher status than Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes. OBCs comprise about half of India’s population, and are entitled to 27% of the job reservations in Government employment and other benefits and concessions.
What are the different kinds of OBCs ?
The Government of India and State Government of Maharashtra has from time to time declared different communities and castes as OBCs.
Are East Indians included in list of OBCs ?
Recently the Maharashtra State Cabinet took a decision to include East Indian Christians and East Indian Catholics in the list of State OBCs. However, Central Government is yet to include East Indians in the category of OBCs. At present the Central Government list only includes Christians converted from Scheduled Castes and Christian Kolis in the list of OBCs.
When can one avail the benefits of OBCs under the State List ?
As soon as the decision to include East Indians in the OBC List of the State is published in the Maharashtra State Official Gazette and thereafter the OBC Caste Certificate is obtained.
What is the procedure required to be followed to obtain OBC Caste Certificate ?
A person intending to apply for OBC Certificate has to apply through his parents if alive or through any senior member of the family to Deputy District Collector or City District Collector as the case may be, through the Office of the Tahsildar ( Competent Authority ). Tahsildars Offices are situated at Old Custom House, Fort, Bandra (W), Andheri (W) Near Bhavan’s College, Borivali (W), Kurla, Mulund etc. The preprinted application form ( in Marathi ) should be obtained from said offices and should be submitted along with necessary documentary evidences. Kindly affix Rs.5/- Court Fee stamp on the said application form. Please note that a Caste Certificate issued by any person, officer or authority other than the Competent Authority is invalid.
What is documentary evidence one needs to submit to obtain OBC Caste Certificate or the Validity Certificate ?
If a person is a permanent resident of a particular area/locality, then Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the same area/locality to any other person.
Copy of the Primary or Secondary School Leaving Certificate.
Copy of the extract of the Register for Primary or Secondary School, where the person was last studying, notifying his Religion or Caste.
If the person is in Government Service, then copy of service record to be provided.
Copy of Primary or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or the Birth or Death Certificate of the Father.
Copy of the Caste Certificate of the Father/Uncle/Cousin Brother or Sister/other elderly family members or copy of their Birth Certificate. Or if any of above persons are in Government service then, their service record notifying their Religion/Caste.
Copy of Ration Card as Proof of Residence.
A letter from the Registered Society of the Caste, if any.
What are benefits of OBC Caste Certificate ?
There are number of benefits one can avail. Certain percentage of seats are specifically reserved in all professional degree and diploma colleges for OBC Category viz Medicine, Engineering, Architecture. There are certain percentage of jobs also reserved in State Government, Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, Nagarpalika, State Government undertaking like S.T., MSEB, High Court and other Courts, Police, BEST etc. Seats are also reserved for contesting elections.
After obtaining OBC Caste Certificate from the Competent Authority, whether one can get reservation in education or job automatically ?
The State Government has constituted a Scrutiny Committee for verification of Caste Certificates issued by the Competent Authority. The office of the Scrutiny Committee is located at Konkan Bhavan, 6th Floor, Extension Building, Room No.71, New Bombay – 400 614. One has to carry the original OBC Caste Certificate and all supporting original documents which were submitted earlier while obtaining Caste Certificates from the Competent Authority. For the said purpose one has to make an application well in advance, in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed to the Scrutiny Committee for the verification of such Caste Certificates and issuance of a validity certificate. The students who wish to apply for Medicine, Engineering, Architecture etc. under the OBC quota are required to attach the copy of the caste certificate at the time of admission to the said courses. However, at the time of selection to the said courses, one needs to submit validity certificate. It is therefore recommended that those students who are studying in F.Y.J.C or Std. XI ( Science ) should apply to the Scrutiny Committee well before 30th November for the relevant year.
What are the various benefits and concessions given by the State Government to OBC’s ?
Maharashtra State Other Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation ( MSOBCFDC ) is a Government of Maharashtra undertaking Company under Social Justice, Welfare, Cultural Affairs Department. The Corporation has been established on 25.09.1998 with the objective of economic and development activities for the benefit of Other Backward Classes in the State and to the assist the weaker section of the target group in skill development and self-employment activities. The following facilities are extended by the MSOBCFDC.
Term Loan :
Under this scheme, the project cost is up to Rs. 5 lacs out of which 85% loans is sectioned by the Central Corporation. 10% State Corporation and 5% beneficiaries. However, as per the guidelines of the Central Corporation 75% proposals are to be sanctioned having project cost up to Rs. 50,000/- and 25% proposal should be sanctioned having project cost from Rs.50,000/- to Rs. 5 lacs.
Margin Money Schemes :
Under this scheme 50% is Bank loan, 40% is Central Corporation Loan, 5% each is from State Corporation and beneficiary and project cost is Rs. up to 5 lacs. Rate of interest for the 40% Central Corporation loan between 6% and State Corporation loan carry the rate of interest @ 6% and Bank charges their Rate of interest as per their terms and conditions.
Micro finance :
Under this Scheme Non-Governmental Organizations which have established the Self Help Groups (SHG) are granted loans up to Rs 5 lacs for disbursement of SHGs. The NGO is expected to distribute this loan to the members of the OBC, the upper limit per beneficiary is Rs.20,000/-. The loan is granted to the NGO @ 5% and NGO is expected to grant the loan to SHG @ 9%. The loan is repayable within 36 months.
Mahila Samrudhi Yojana :
Under this scheme the loan is sanctioned to Self Help Group up to Rs. 5 lacs for disbursement to the 20 members of Self Help Group. The maximum limit to per member is Rs. 25,000/-. The loan is granted to the members of SHG @ 4% p.a.
Swarnima Scheme :
With a view of empowerment of the women, Central Corporation has introduced this scheme from the current financial year. Under this scheme women having income up to the below poverty level are sanctioned loans up to Rs. 50,000/- for small activity, which carry the interest @ 4% only. The women beneficiaries are not require to contribute 5% and repayment period 2 year more than the normal scheme.
Education Loan :
The scheme was introduced during last year. Under the scheme education loan is sanctioned to beneficiaries of the Corporation who have secured admission in the professional courses e.g. Health Sciences, Engineering, Computer, Management etc in the institutions which have been approved by the Central Councils. The Minimum Loan p.a. is Rs. 75,000 and Maximum Amount of Loan is Rs. 3 lacs which carry interest @ 4%. The loan is repayable after 6 months of the completion of the course in 5 years’ period.
Swayam Saksham Scheme :
In order to inculcate the spirit of self-confidence among youths through self-employment and utilize their wisdom and expense gained through professional training and education the Corporation may consider providing financial assistance at concessional rate of interest to these professionally trained youths belonging to Backward Classes. Under this scheme loan up to Rs., 5.00 lakhs is sanctioned for starting the activities @ 5%. The beneficiaries between the age group of 18 to 35 are eligible under this scheme. Other conditions are similar to other schemes.
Who are eligible for OBC Caste Certificate ?
All East Indian are eligible, except the creamy layer of persons (ses the link below)
What is Creamy Layer ?
The Government of India has evolved the criteria for exclusion of certain socially advanced persons/sections from the benefits of reservation available to OBCs in civil posts and services under the Government of India and this is called the “Creamy Layer criteria”
1. Who are covered under Creamy layer of OBC Quota
(I) V.V.I.Ps.- President, Vice-President, Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts etc.(II) Government or PSU employees of Central or State-
(i) parents, either of whom is a Class I officer (direct recruits)
(ii) parents, both of whom are Class II officers (direct recruits)
(iii) parents of whom only the father is a direct Class II officer and he gets into Class I at the age of 40 or earlier.
(III) In military, parents, either of whom is in the rank of Colonel and above.
(IV) Persons engaged in Profession, Trade and Industry whose last three-year’s separate annual income is more then Rs. 4.50 lakhs per year.
(V) Families owns agriculture land having (i) ‘irrigated land’, more than 85% of the statutory ceiling area or (ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply if the land holding of a family is exclusively unirrigated.
(VI) Persons having separate gross annual income of Rs. 4.50 lakhs per year or above for a period of last three consecutive years excluding income from salaries & agricultural land.
Note- For details see Central creamy layer criteria of Govt. of India Dt. 08.09.1993
Under what category does kunbi ,kanbi castes under in karnataka